posted on Thursday, May 16, 2013 in West Region News

Local 4-H Kids Pick Prize Winning Hogs
Each year Wyoming Premium Farms, WPF, teams up with the Platte County Extension for a 4-H pig distribution event near Wheatland, Wyoming.
Wyoming Premium Farms takes orders for pigs two months in advance from local 4-H kids who express a strong interest in showing swine at the local and state levels. They then coordinate a date around Mother’s Day to distribute the pigs that were preordered. During distribution week, the pigs are brought to an offsite location to ensure biosecurity. It is then first come first serve for the youth to pick out the pig that then turns into their 4-H project. In previous years as many as 30 pigs have been distributed. This year 19 pigs found a new home with eager 4-H participants. The 4-H member and their family are responsible for purchasing the pigs as part of the learning process this event is designed for. Kids learn the financial responsibilities of owning an animal as well as the daily care the pigs require.
Dallas Mount, the Southeast Area Livestock Extension Educator for the University of Wyoming Extension had nothing but positive things to say about WPF and their work with the swine distribution day. Mount said, “WPF has been an outstanding partner of the Platte County 4-H program. For many years they have made feeder pigs available to 4-H members wanting to participate in the swine project. This has allowed youth that would likely not otherwise be able to participate in in the swine project or perhaps even fair to have this opportunity. It is generous community partners like WPF that make 4-H and fair possible for the youth of this community.” WPF has been an avid Platte County 4-H supporter since 1998.
Wyoming Premium Farms is a farrow to wean sow farm with 39 employees caring for nearly 11,000 sows. Wyoming Premium Farms is managed by AMVC Management Services. AMVC Management Services, based out of Audubon, IA, is a management company that provides swine husbandry, veterinary, nutritional and employee services. For more information please visit their website at or find them on Facebook at “AMVC”.