posted on Monday, April 24, 2017 in Vet Services News and Events

On Saturday, AMVC welcomed equine enthusiasts for a fun and educational day at the clinic. Several activities happened throughout the day. The morning started with Cindy McCarty from Timber Creek giving a presentation about equine assisted physical and speech therapies. She shared how the movement of a horse is used as a treatment tool and the successes they have seen in their clients. Several children got to ride a horse around the parking lot with the help from Meg Schmidt, Merv Krakau and Roxane Hoyle. Dave and Bree Schwarte led a roping demonstration and taught participants the proper technique to be a successful roper. Doug Sorensen shared his experience of backcountry riding out west. He demonstrated how to pack a horse and shared tips on how to plan for this type of ride. The afternoon entertainment was the stick horse races, where children were grouped by age and then rode a stick horse to the finish line. The day wrapped up with members of the Audubon FFA Horse Judging Team teaching everyone how to judge a horse.