Olsen attends historic trade agreement signing

AMVC Daryl Olsen at White House

posted on Monday, January 27, 2020 in Central Region News

On January 15, Dr. Daryl Olsen, veterinarian and managing partner of AMVC, attended the historic signing of the Phase 1 Trade Agreement between the United States and China at the White House in Washington, D.C.

Approximately 200 elected officials and business leaders were invited to the East Wing of the White House to witness President Donald Trump and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He sign the trade agreement. Several Governors from key agricultural states were invited. Dr. Olsen of Audubon attended as the guest of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

While in D.C. Olsen had the opportunity for interaction with business leaders and key individuals within the administration. ­­­­

“It was an honor to accompany Governor Reynolds and represent Iowa and Audubon County agriculture. And being able to visit the White House and meet with Governor Reynolds, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, U.S. Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad and key business leaders from across the United States was a huge opportunity, said Olsen.

This trade agreement has the potential to add a much needed boost to the value of all agricultural products.

“China provides such a huge opportunity for Iowa and our farmers,” added Olsen.

The highly anticipated signing of the Phase 1 Agreement is intended to open Chinese markets to more American companies, increase farm and energy exports and provide greater protection for American technology and trade secrets. China has committed to buying an additional $200 billion worth of American goods and services by 2021 and is expected to ease some of the tariffs it has placed on American products.

AMVC, based in Audubon, Iowa, is a diversified swine management company and is the tenth largest pork producer in the United States.


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