AMVC celebrates Pork Month in Mt Ayr

Aries crew bacon

posted on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 in Central Region News

Last Friday, AMVC participated in a variety of activities that promoted pork to Mount Ayr High School students and the community. It was the ideal time to come into the classroom and support the Athletics Boosters, as October is National Pork Month. In the past when hogs were raised outdoors, October was the time hogs were traditionally marketed. Today, it is an opportunity for those involved in the swine industry to connect with those who do not have a background in pig farming.

Alicia Humphrey, AMVC public relations coordinator, spent her morning in the Mount Ayr High School agriculture classroom with the Introduction to Agriculture and Animal Science students. It was a great opportunity for these students to learn about the modern swine industry from a local swine management company. Humphrey’s presentation included information about the global demand for food, animal care and nutrition, as well as, the various career opportunities available in the swine industry.

Besides educating students, AMVC encouraged football fans to eat pork. AMVC employees served bacon to numerous game attendees who wanted to add bacon to their purchased sandwich free of charge. Pig farmers take pride in the pork they raise and enjoy interacting with their consumers. The bacon was donated by Aries Sow and Iowa Pork Producers Association.

AMVC is proud to be a community supporter and to be involved in the Mount Ayr agriculture program. AMVC owns and manages Aries Sow located in Mount Ayr. AMVC Management Services is headquartered in Audubon, Iowa, and manages 117,500 sows across seven states.


  1. ag education
  2. community
  3. our team
  4. swine
