posted on Monday, February 22, 2016 in News

In order for Michelle Sprague to pinpoint what might be ailing pigs on a client’s farm, she must first know how the pigs are cared for, what the environment is for the pigs, and what signs or symptoms sick pigs might be showing.
A close working relationship between a farmer and his or her veterinarian is important not only for the health of a farmer’s animals, but for food safety, experts say.
Over several years, Sprague, a veterinarian with the Audubon Manning Veterinary Clinic (AMVC) Management Services in Audubon, has developed successful veterinary-client patient relationships (VCPR) with her clients—and their livestock.
“A vet-client-patient relationship, or VCPR, is a relationship that a veterinarian has with a farmer and the animals. So it means that the veterinarian frequently sees the animals, is acquainted with the herd, understands the background of the animals and knows the disease challenges it may face. And it also includes that the client agrees to follow directions from the veterinarian and that the veterinarian be available for follow-up care should any be necessary,” Sprague said.
*Story Credit to Iowa Farm Bureau. For full story, click here. Watch the video here.